
Note: The first three steps must be installed in order to ensure the settings are correct. Once these are installed, you may install the other steps.

FordPass - Sets up your VIN and account information.


Get FordPass Token - Uses login credentials to authorize


Get Vehicle Status - This returns a JSON that many of the steps use.


Feature Shortcuts:

Start My Car - Starts your car but it may take 15-30 seconds. Use the “Is My Car Running?” step to confirm if it is running


Stop My Car - Stops the car’s remote start.


Is My Car Running? - Tells you if your car is running.


Lock My Car - Locks your car.


Unlock My Car - Unlocks your car.


Is My Car Locked? - Tells if your car is locked or unlocked.


What Is My Cars Range - How many miles to an empty tank.


How Many Miles Are On My Car? - Odometer reading


What Is My Cars Oil Life? - Oil life %


Where’s My Car? - Shows car’s pinned location in Apple Maps.
